
Wednesday, September 17, 2014

First Day Jitters

My oldest cub went back to school today.  She did great but I was a jittery mess sitting in a puddle of tears and specialty chocolate wrappers.  So I pulled myself together and kept busy by sharpening myself a bouquet of pencils and baking to keep from missing her too badly.  She took some to her teacher the next day.  I'm teaching her to brown nose right!

Teddy Bears

We had our annual Teddy Bear Picnic today. The cubs invited all their new little friends and we had a great time playing with our buddies and teddies.  The cubs wanted polar bear cubcakes this year and I think they turned out pretty darn cute!


God bless America.  God bless baseball.  God bless Red Vines.  And God bless babies being born so I get to make little baseball cupcakes.