
Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Gamer Cupcakes

Gamers of the world, rejoice!  There is a cupcake just for you.
Mountain Dew Dorito Cupcakes.  Apparently this is a thing and actually, they're pretty good!


Some cute kids in our ward just chose to be baptized.  I brought these pretty sparkly cupcakes for a pretty treat.  Now they are as bright and sparkly too!

Summer Cupcakes

We've spent a lot of time on the tennis court this summer.  We just finished up a fun little tennis camp for the cubs and all their friends.  These little tennis ball cupcakes were the prize at the end for all their hard work.

These are the 5th order of Ruffly Red Velvets I've had this summer.  Red Velvet is making a come back!